"Autumn Poems"
Administrator & author of the original idea of the Poems projects:
Dmitry Krasiuk
Authors of poems, text, photos, images & paintings:
Carolina Borda & Alan Kirwan, Sylvie D.,
Swati Kamalakar, Michael Ackzien, Steve Cohen,
Emmanuel Geitz, Jimm Hughey, Dmitry Krasiuk,
Masakazu Kurita, Drakke Lerouge & Andy Royce.
Choice of colors & font:
Michael Ackzien
Sylvie Daneau & Michael Ackzien.
Summer Fades, seasons change
Leaves start falling down
Gently floating, spinning slowly
colors of yellow, orange and brown
through the trees, we catch the sun
like a star shining bright
Beautiful memories of summers past,
keep us warm at night.
Les Gardiens du Skatepark
Avec ses trente pieds de hauteur, un arbre veille sur le Skatepark.
Pendant que des jeunes s'élancent sur la piste en skateboard,
il capte dans l’air le CO2 nécessaire pour construire
son tronc, ses branches, feuilles et racines.
"L'air est plus respirable grâce à moi.
Les jeunes peuvent venir s'amuser en toute confiance."
Plus loin, un graffiti bleu et blanc d'à peine trois pieds de haut
encourage les jeunes qui vivent des sensations fortes
et salue les visiteurs de passage,
beau temps, mauvais temps.
Témoins silencieux, ils sont là tout simplement, jour après jour.
C'est l'automne, l'arbre a perdu son feuillage.
les couleurs du graffiti semblent ternes.
Ils attendent avec impatience le retour du printemps,
et le retour des jeunes.
"N'attendez pas trop, nous sommes là tous les jours!
Vous nous manquez!"
Vous nous manquez!"
The Skatepark Guardians
With its thirty feet high, a tree watches over the Skatepark.
While young people take to the track in skateboarding,
it captures from the air the CO2 needed to build
its trunk, branches, leaves and roots.
its trunk, branches, leaves and roots.
"The air is more breathable thanks to me.
Young people can have fun with confidence."
Young people can have fun with confidence."
Further, a blue and white graffiti barely three feet high
encourages young people who experience thrills
and greets visiting visitors,
encourages young people who experience thrills
and greets visiting visitors,
good weather, bad weather.
Silent witnesses, they are simply there, day after day.
It’s autumn, the tree has lost its foliage,
the colors of the graffiti seem dull.
They look forward to spring
the colors of the graffiti seem dull.
They look forward to spring
and the return of young people.
"Don’t wait too long, we are here every day!
We miss you!"
We miss you!"
Seasons have a wonderful flow
As they arrive, they have to go
Spring comes with a green glow
Autumn turns in a browny blow
Green to Brown is a journey slow
Enjoy the present and don't feel low
Fall in the love with Autumn mellow
And let the happiness be overflow
Is There A Season For Contemplation?
Not Winter, Which Is Cold And Shutting Down And Limited Perspectives And Closing All Of Your Windows.
Not Spring, Which Is Warmth And Expanding And Hoping What Might Be Possible And Opening Some Of Your Windows.
And Certainly Not Summer, Which Is Heat And Passion And Feeling All That Can Be Felt And Never, Ever Closing Any Of Your Windows.
But Autumn Is Moderation: Temperate Days, And Remembering The Hope Of Spring And The Passion Of Summer While Anticipating The Cold Of Winter.
Winter Is White. In Winter, You Brood.
Spring Is Green. In Spring, You Hope.
Summer Is Yellow. In Summer, You Feel.
Autumn Is Red And Gold.
And In Autumn, You Think.
Autumn Song
Listen in your heart
the geometry of the wind
and the memoryless song of the birds.
Cross the skinned dawn
by edges of green stars
and cobblestone street corners
that bear your name, all...
your name of soft golden petal
that waves like a bewitched flag
by his own grace,
for his own pain of sand and crowds.
Cuddle up to my ear.
The palms of your hands
show the paths
of the kisses that we have not given,
the roots of the tree
raised to the moon,
a crystal nest...
The melody that is born
and its author who sunsets
in the stellar plenitude
from its cloud bed.
Осінь іде
в пальто
з кольорових віршів.
Шепіт сонця і
пахощі засинаючих квітів.
Осінь іде
струнка та висока.
Вдивляється в очі
глибоких колодязів.
Осінь іде
вітер гортає книжки.
Морозно вже
гріє долоні дим.
В спогадах кольорові вірші
а ми чекаємо...
Все чекаємо гарних новин.
в пальто
з кольорових віршів.
Шепіт сонця і
пахощі засинаючих квітів.
Осінь іде
струнка та висока.
Вдивляється в очі
глибоких колодязів.
Осінь іде
вітер гортає книжки.
Морозно вже
гріє долоні дим.
В спогадах кольорові вірші
а ми чекаємо...
Все чекаємо гарних новин.
Autumn is here
in a coat
from colored tops.
The sun whispers
smells like dying leaves.
Autumn is here
the string is high.
Be amazed in the eyes
deep wells.
Autumn is here
The wind burns the books.
It's frosty already
warm valley dim.
In the spirit of color, tops
let's check...
Everything is on the lookout for great news.
in a coat
from colored tops.
The sun whispers
smells like dying leaves.
Autumn is here
the string is high.
Be amazed in the eyes
deep wells.
Autumn is here
The wind burns the books.
It's frosty already
warm valley dim.
In the spirit of color, tops
let's check...
Everything is on the lookout for great news.
Thank you so much for your visit!